Locked out and in urgent need of a locksmith, one concerned dog owner called Geoff on 07889325487 and was back with his dogs in half an hour.
Non-destructive entry, call GRN on 07889325487. On this occasion Geoff was called at midnight to gain entry to a property where the house/dog sitter had left 3 dogs on their own and was not coming back. And had also taken the keys with them. GRN responded quickly and gained entry (non-destructive) within 35 minutes of receiving the initial call. All the dogs were safe, happy and well. And the owner could relax and enjoy the rest of their break. Call GRN on 07889 325487 for anything locksmith related and, occasionally, pet rescues.
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If you want to get yourself a dog that looks as happy as this one read about our “Locky Dog’ Bruce and the fabulous charity that rescued him on our ‘About us‘ page.